Tag: health

  • Let’s Analyze – PTSD Pre and Post Ketamine

    I had my first trigger yesterday since I did Ketamine. I’m inclined to sort through the symptoms pre and post. What better way than to write it out. I’m aware we mostly keep our journals to ourselves. Trust me, I have a personal one. But there’s power in sharing, when you’ve lived with secrets for…

  • Amateur Athlete and Periods

    Let’s talk about my ignorance in women’s health. I’ve been trying to go back to my regular MMA training routine and have been struck with the reality that I am putting my health at risk once again. I’m feeling exhausted in between sessions. I feel weak and irritated for the inability to keep up like…

  • Ketamine

    I’m not sure what I’m feeling All I notice is the rush of angst running through my veins again. It’s 11PM and there’s a sense of confusion – You see I’ve been in this ketamine treatment plan for about a month now. And I must say. The experience is vibrant. Out of this world and…

  • Checking in With the Universe

    I completed a therapy session yesterday. Just one more session, sure. I did notice something different this time around. My desire to see this treatment through has a little more attitude. It was a full blown open and honest discussion. A rare encounter for me given that I lack trust in most people I meet.…

  • How do you Heal?

    Exactly 6 months ago today my life took a turn for the worse after a gym session that shut my body down with no return. I kept putting blame on the training. On working too hard and not smart. Maybe I just didn’t know how to be an athlete. Or maybe my body wasn’t cut…

  • Living on the Boarder

    A quick glance at a first-generation Mexican American woman living in Fullerton, California with an extensive line of relatives in Michoacán Mexico – an internal cultural struggle and adaptation to finding yourself from the eyes of a natural spiritual seeker. Challenging and beautiful. I recently took yet another trip to visit family located in the…

  • Unanswered questions answered – What’s NEXT?

    These last six months have flashed right before my eyes in what felt like micro-seconds. What’s next? I’ve been asked a lot of different questions after quitting my full-time job as an administrator of claims. Why did you quit? Do you have another job lined up? What do you do if not work? What are…