Tag: lifestyle

  • Shine Around Each Corner

    With great hotness comes great responsibility. Yeah, I said it! I’m done. I’m done belittling who I am to make others feel secure. I’m done downplaying my skills, looks or abilities just so people around me don’t feel threatened. In fact. I’m done exposing my personal self-doubts in catering for other’s well-being. Of course, ideally…

  • Goodbye Fear, Hello Life

    I’m finding out love REALLY IS the answer to all hurtles. I’m becoming who I am and not catering to others wants or needs – truly becoming it and not just expressing it. 7 months later, I’m barely feeling healed from total BURN OUT. And I see this is the case for so many people.…

  • Ketamine

    I’m not sure what I’m feeling All I notice is the rush of angst running through my veins again. It’s 11PM and there’s a sense of confusion – You see I’ve been in this ketamine treatment plan for about a month now. And I must say. The experience is vibrant. Out of this world and…

  • Mindless or Mindful

    I wake up with nowhere to go. Nothing of significance to do. My hand reaches for a phone that is now an apparatus in flesh. It slows down my neurons habitually with garbage. Making it harder and harder to think. And I allow it. Like a junkie looking forward to its next dose and wondering…

  • How do you Heal?

    Exactly 6 months ago today my life took a turn for the worse after a gym session that shut my body down with no return. I kept putting blame on the training. On working too hard and not smart. Maybe I just didn’t know how to be an athlete. Or maybe my body wasn’t cut…

  • Living on the Boarder

    A quick glance at a first-generation Mexican American woman living in Fullerton, California with an extensive line of relatives in Michoacán Mexico – an internal cultural struggle and adaptation to finding yourself from the eyes of a natural spiritual seeker. Challenging and beautiful. I recently took yet another trip to visit family located in the…

  • 2019 – Let’s GO!

    For me, 2018 marks the end of self-doubt. I made a drastic change after hitting rock bottom and decided to go full blast on dreams and aspirations. An immediate learning curb took place and reality of it meant hard work and time management WAS and IS going to be essential for success. I learned I…