• Conventional Therapy is Not For Everyone

    So much abuse, so little conversation. I want to say this about surviving sexual abuse because I’ve noticed through my own experience of learning how to heal, that it’s easy to give up, shut down and isolate during the lows more than not.    It took me 5 licensed psychologists, 3 “prescribed” medications, and several…

  • Momentary Lapse

    The mind shift returns with vengeance momentarily. There’s still a lot of scars and pain. I say PTSD free because the thick helmet is gone, and my chest pain is gone. More importantly, the FEAR has kicked rocks far from my immediate body. But that of the mind is a trick yet to be understood.…

  • Let’s Analyze – PTSD Pre and Post Ketamine

    I had my first trigger yesterday since I did Ketamine. I’m inclined to sort through the symptoms pre and post. What better way than to write it out. I’m aware we mostly keep our journals to ourselves. Trust me, I have a personal one. But there’s power in sharing, when you’ve lived with secrets for…

  • Creative Self and Acceptance

    I’ve been watching a lot of Dr. Jordan Peterson’s talks lately. Specifically on the psychology of creativity and psychedelics in clinical settings. My Ketamine experience has had a drastic impact on what it means for me to be human. It has also developed a curiosity into the realm of abstract materials and its realism. Thus,…

  • 6/8

    The psychedelic “experience” The one that changed my thoughts and self forever.  It began with a sudden elevation and worldly exit just like the others. I entered the new dimension with ease and presence. I saw blocks of life forming in magnificence colors and shapes not recognizable by eyesight (It fills you with calm and…

  • What it’s like to live with PTSD – why it shouldn’t define you

    “Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – a condition of persistent mental and emotional stress occurring as a result of injury or severe psychological shock, typically involving disturbance of sleep and constant vivid recall of the experience, with dulled responses to others and to the outside world.” Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/post-traumatic-stress-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20355967 What it’s like for me? I came home…

  • In Chad Smith’s words: “She has an old soul. I can tell from her eyes.”

    After an incredible jazz fusion set, the group made its way to the bar area where I was downing Corona’s by the hour. By then, I had met a few of the regulars in prior shows and talked to Chad several times about how awesome I felt he was. This distinctive night was life-altering. I…