It starts with you.

  • Reminder – I create for you, then me.

    Sunday nights use to drain me the most. Knowing that I was going to face yet another week of desk work while my heart deteriorated. So, what’s the excuse this time? I’ve been fighting long and hard to create the world I want to be in. This weekend was a reminder of what I will…

  • Living on the Boarder

    A quick glance at a first-generation Mexican American woman living in Fullerton, California with an extensive line of relatives in Michoacán Mexico – an internal cultural struggle and adaptation to finding yourself from the eyes of a natural spiritual seeker. Challenging and beautiful. I recently took yet another trip to visit family located in the…

  • What it’s like to live with PTSD – why it shouldn’t define you

    “Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – a condition of persistent mental and emotional stress occurring as a result of injury or severe psychological shock, typically involving disturbance of sleep and constant vivid recall of the experience, with dulled responses to others and to the outside world.” Source: What it’s like for me? I came home…

  • Unanswered questions answered – What’s NEXT?

    These last six months have flashed right before my eyes in what felt like micro-seconds. What’s next? I’ve been asked a lot of different questions after quitting my full-time job as an administrator of claims. Why did you quit? Do you have another job lined up? What do you do if not work? What are…

  • 2019 – Let’s GO!

    For me, 2018 marks the end of self-doubt. I made a drastic change after hitting rock bottom and decided to go full blast on dreams and aspirations. An immediate learning curb took place and reality of it meant hard work and time management WAS and IS going to be essential for success. I learned I…

  • What Wakes me at Night

    My father sheds tears while he speaks. My brothers don’t seem to care. Maybe they do, they just have their own worlds to tend. I struggle on my own. No wonder people choose security over dreams. I’m failing in most things. I never finish what I start. I worry too much just like my mother.…

  • In Chad Smith’s words: “She has an old soul. I can tell from her eyes.”

    After an incredible jazz fusion set, the group made its way to the bar area where I was downing Corona’s by the hour. By then, I had met a few of the regulars in prior shows and talked to Chad several times about how awesome I felt he was. This distinctive night was life-altering. I…

Got any book recommendations?