Author: mviveros
the solution to writers block. write.
I’m hesitant about this. Freewriting once more after what, a year of inactivity? I’ve been doing a lot of “living”. A lot of “adulting”. To be frank, the creativity in me has died down because so much has changed internally. I find myself with writer’s block for the first time, ever? Usually, I have something…
Everchanging Love & Some Dark Truths
A lot of emotional shedding lately and I’m wondering if I’ve fallen off the wagon. Or maybe it’s just this dark weather in June that has me in the feels. Rightfully continuing to change the course of my life so I can stay in motion. So, I can. Be happy? So, I can. Find my…
May Your Home be You
I never thought I’d be roaming like this. Sleeping in random places and moving in between spaces with solitude of where to call my “home”. Not looking for pity or attention. More so to bring light to a unique situation. That of a painful past and bright future. Now I understand why homeless become “homeless”.…
Shine Around Each Corner
With great hotness comes great responsibility. Yeah, I said it! I’m done. I’m done belittling who I am to make others feel secure. I’m done downplaying my skills, looks or abilities just so people around me don’t feel threatened. In fact. I’m done exposing my personal self-doubts in catering for other’s well-being. Of course, ideally…
Catch the Demons while you still can…
I might need to relocate sooner than later. Not to run from or change my situation. Mainly to reset or recharge in some way. Somewhere new where the weight of relationships and finance loosen up a little. But then the words of my guide come into play. “You can do that in another city or…
So you grew up without a Sister?
Women relationships. How do we go from territorial to empowerment? When I was in high school, I received constant bullying from insecure girls, and it minimized me to the point of avoiding relationships with girls all together. I became a “tomboy” but not really because I wasn’t sporty when I was younger. I surrounded myself…
Tis the Season for the Holiday Blues
So, you suffer from the shitty Blues during the holidays. Holiday spells. If you go through them, you know. What is it like? Oh you didn’t ask? I’m sharing mine anyway. Imagine an avalanche coming towards you from above you. You watch and know it’s coming right towards you. A lost battle. All you can…