Category: Uncategorized

  • Words

    Checking in. Memories still hang on my wall and liquor sits on my wooden desk at the “office” studio currently occupied … It’s not like I didn’t see this coming. I’m trying to pinpoint what my current “status” is but the truth is, I’m just as lost as I was ten years ago, 22 and…

  • Late Night Conversations

    It’s impossible for me to sleep tonight. I just took my first STEM course exam in hopes of setting myself up to one day enter a PhD program in observational Astronomy. Before I get to that you must know. . . I wasn’t always interested in science. But a couple of years back, during what…

  • Value Your Sex Life

    Women sexuality. Stop the shame and let’s move on, yes? Minority women suffer the most. As a Hispanic, the idea to be a sexually active human being means you no longer belong to the family tree AND you must live in sin for the rest of your life. No turning back now. I know this…

  • Unlimited Love – Sensitivity Doesn’t Exist

    The practice of losing control and learning to take it back. As women, we still seem to face pressure in being seen as “crazy” or “over emotional” beings. Dramatic. Etc. The truth is far from these negative connotations. I’m learning that “sensitivity” is a false construct we’ve placed as a description to try to avoid…

  • Embrace the Chaos

    Numb-free since August 2021 It hasn’t been pretty. There’s a lot of excess shedding going on and vulnerability. I’d call this next Chapter of my life “How to be Human Again”. Getting constant feelings regularly and always changing with no interruption is a hella tricky business. I’m learning what children with proper care learn to…

  • Goodbye Fear, Hello Life

    I’m finding out love REALLY IS the answer to all hurtles. I’m becoming who I am and not catering to others wants or needs – truly becoming it and not just expressing it. 7 months later, I’m barely feeling healed from total BURN OUT. And I see this is the case for so many people.…

  • Conventional Therapy is Not For Everyone

    So much abuse, so little conversation. I want to say this about surviving sexual abuse because I’ve noticed through my own experience of learning how to heal, that it’s easy to give up, shut down and isolate during the lows more than not.    It took me 5 licensed psychologists, 3 “prescribed” medications, and several…