Tag: life

  • May Your Home be You

    I never thought I’d be roaming like this. Sleeping in random places and moving in between spaces with solitude of where to call my “home”. Not looking for pity or attention. More so to bring light to a unique situation. That of a painful past and bright future. Now I understand why homeless become “homeless”.…

  • Late Night Conversations

    It’s impossible for me to sleep tonight. I just took my first STEM course exam in hopes of setting myself up to one day enter a PhD program in observational Astronomy. Before I get to that you must know. . . I wasn’t always interested in science. But a couple of years back, during what…

  • Embrace the Chaos

    Numb-free since August 2021 It hasn’t been pretty. There’s a lot of excess shedding going on and vulnerability. I’d call this next Chapter of my life “How to be Human Again”. Getting constant feelings regularly and always changing with no interruption is a hella tricky business. I’m learning what children with proper care learn to…

  • Goodbye Fear, Hello Life

    I’m finding out love REALLY IS the answer to all hurtles. I’m becoming who I am and not catering to others wants or needs – truly becoming it and not just expressing it. 7 months later, I’m barely feeling healed from total BURN OUT. And I see this is the case for so many people.…

  • Why are we here? Ask Neutrinos

    My current obsession: answering the question, why were we created? The current answer: to experience human life. Done. When it’s felt deeply, it’s understood, and it creates internal gratitude like no other. Like the kind that brings tears of happiness and joy. It’s just for a moment. But it helps you continue to move forward…

  • Insecurities Don’t Belong Here

    Being that it is my first post since 2020, I was unsure of what to share. Nothing new here. Nothing you have not already seen or heard. I think. Attempts to gather my thoughts is like trying to collect the loose copper flying around our atmosphere. Copper we sent out in the first place and…

  • Plastered in Thought

    2 months without a creative outlet. Doing the routine thing. That daily traffic drive. The alarm going off hourly to remind me to get up and stretch. Litigating my own cases because I don’t trust attorneys. Systematically on point and focused; one task at a time. Forgetting what it’s like to feel inspired. I’m not…